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cnc токарийн эд анги

CNC lathe machines are important to the manufacturing of metal parts. With these machines, drilling, turning and other forms of operations can be done in a large scale. Imagine a CNC lathe machine without the chuck, an element that keeps your workpiece in place during machining. The chuck spins the workpiece on this spindle at high speed, ensuring precise cuts per specified requirements.

The tailstock is just about as essential to a CNC lathe machine as the chuck. The tailstock is positioned at the other end of the machine away from chuck, between it and headstock this helps in supporting job firmly during machining. With the tailstock in place, it holds a workpiece down by applying pressure so that there is no room for vibration and contribute to the machinability of processes. This quenches any movements which could lead to inferior quality workpieces being produced.

    Chuck, tailstock, and tool holder in CNC lathe machines

    In CNC lathe machines, apart from the chuck and tailstock, tool holders are provided for holding cutting tools required to machine on a workpiece. Tool holders use collet, bar feed [] or turret to hold cutting tools at Sellerant Text Tools standard as a rotary changer tool. Machinists can easily switch out cutting tools with these tool holders for high efficiency machining operations.

    Why choose Shangmeng parts of cnc lathe?

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    ДЭМЖИЖ БАЙНА parts of cnc lathe-47

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